
Welcome to Tinkerworks! This page is where I share my projects with the world.

I’m currently looking for work
Check out my Curriculum, and email me at jelteklaswijnja@gmail.com if you have any leads!

Who am I
My name is Jelte Klas Wijnja. From a very young age, I decided I wanted to become an inventor. Nowadays, I realize I’ve been one all along. While I’ve since studied Industrial Design Engineering, my story started way before that.

Whenever I look at something, I immediately start to notice and evaluate the design choices made originally- what was optimized for, what was compromised on. And, if it could be used for something interesting it was never intended for by the manufacturer. This is where Tinkering comes into play. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it- it’s a common saying, but there’s no fun in that! If it’s working okay, could it not still work better? What else could it do? How does it look on the inside?
This curiosity and discovery process is what drives me to keep experimenting, trying, breaking, mending, repairing. Combine this fascination with other hobbies, and who knows what can arise?

Design is bigger than most people realize. It’s more than a nice exterior. Design is the user experience, not needing the manual, how it’s manufactured, who it’s made for. A bad design can be infuriating to use, while great design puts a smile on my face simply by using it as intended. Also, design is everywhere. If you look around you now, you are probably surrounded by objects that have been designed. Since design is everywhere, it plays a crucial part in the way we as humans shape our lives. I strive to go for nifty, ambitious solutions, with a focus on durability.

Photography has been a huge interest for me for quite a while. What started out as vacation snapshots has transformed my way of looking at my surroundings. Also, I like to explore the weird, ambitious, and experimental side of photography, and have been exploring the rabbithole that is the analog process.

As a movie enthusiast, I’ve also dabbled in cinematography a bit, as well as exploring anamorphic lenses.

Tinkerworks are what I call the smaller projects which I undertake. Some projects are about customisation, others about repair, and some are about learning trough experimentation. Often, these overlap with my hobbies, and as such a substantial amount of them is photography-related. These can be found under Tinkerworks-Photography. These are usually relatively short projects. While replicating them is possible, inspiring something related but different would be even better.